I'm Tindle Bear, widely know as Mr "T" or T bear and I used to be a regular contributor to the Farnham Walking Festival Facebook page during the end of 2019. I have now followed Guy to Farnham Walker to lend support to his new venture.
Those who remember me and loved me will no doubt be happy, and I will enjoy re-making your acquaintance. I won't be out on every walk but will join Guy for some. The temptation of staying in bed and then making myself large cooked breakfasts is frequently too much.
Those who do not know me might like to see some photos from before. I've made a new friend myself with FW and the two of us will do our best to keep Guy in order. He has also asked me to keep an eye on all pets and mascots who join him on the walks. I will enjoy this role!
See you around soon!
Mr "T"