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Walking Groups

in and around Farnham

I have listed here all the walking groups I know about in Farnham. If you are involved with another, please let me know (contact here) and I'll add you to the list. 

Farnham Walker

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Wow, that's us. Yes, it seems fitting to list us, the friends of Farnham Walker as a 'group' on the 'local groups' page. As has been amply stated elsewhere, this is not a 'group' as such, it's a loose collection of friends who want to walk together. There's no annual membership fee, no walk fee, merely a (free) opt-in subscription to our mailing list. Hope to see you around soon and look forward to walking with you! Click around this website for all our details. 


Walking for Health

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Walking for Health provides free organised walks around Waverley to help you be more active.

Their weekly health walks give you the opportunity to take regular exercise, enjoy your local environment and meet new people. They are led by trained volunteers who walk at the front and back of the group so that everyone can go at their own pace. Designed to improve your health, their walks offer a safe and secure environment in which to walk with friendly and welcoming company. All you need to do is turn up in comfortable shoes and enjoy the walk!

Farnham's group meets every Tuesday morning at 10.30 am at the Farnham Leisure Centre. 

Check their website

Farnham & District Ramblers

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Farnham Ramblers is a large friendly Ramblers group centred around the historic and pretty town of Farnham in Surrey. They have a wide range of walks to choose from of various lengths, with at least one walk every day of the week. Their walks all take place in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. They also organise social events and walking holidays.     

So just turn up and try them. They are sure you’ll come again! If you would like to find out more, click on their Contact Us link.

They look forward to seeing you soon!

To contact the Ramblers, check out their website -

There are 16 different Ramblers' groups in Surrey alone, and when you join Farnham, you have an automatic membership with all the others IN THE ENTIRE COUNTRY. This is great if the walk of the day is not quite to your liking or you go somewhere for a holiday. There's always another nearby. 


U3A Walking Groups

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For information on the U3A generally, see their website -

Farnham U3A has three rambling groups. 

Ramblers 1 meets twice a month on Fridays at 10 am. "Circular walks of approx five miles are organised by members, from different locations, finishing at around 12.30 pm in time for optional pub lunch and a chat." Contact  Lynda Hampton – – 01256 702109

Ramblers 2 meets twice a month on Thursdays at 10 am. "Similar to Ramblers 1  with local circular walks of up to 5 miles/2½ hours followed by an optional chat/ pub lunch. Members are encouraged to lead walks and volunteers are needed for this." Leader and Contact - Sarah Burt 01252 725127

Ramblers 3 meets on alternate Mondays. "A third rambling group similar to Ramblers 1 and 2 with local circular walks of 5 miles or less and an optional pub lunch/chat at the end. Members are encouraged to lead walks and volunteers are needed for this." Contact Bill Willson –


Long Distance Walking Association Surrey

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They are a friendly and active group offering a range of social and challenge walks. Their social walks are typically around 20 miles! They tend to walk at a fairly brisk pace on footpaths and bridleways mostly in Surrey but sometimes straying into Hampshire and West Sussex. Each walk is graded to give people an indication of the expected pace and terrain.  Most walks attract about 10 to 20 walkers. Social walks take place mainly at weekends with some during mid-week.

Challenge walks are open to all, whilst social walks are for LDWA members. If you are not yet a member of the LDWA then don't despair because you are most welcome to join them on two or three social walks to 'try them out'. They hope then that you will become a member with the additional benefits that membership brings.

So... if you would like to go along and walk with them, then all you need to do is choose a walk from the walks programme, call the leader to let him/her know you'll be coming and turn up. Its that simple! 

Check them out on


Surrey Young Walkers


Surrey Young Walkers is a friendly walking and hiking group aimed at people in their 20s and 30s based in and around Surrey
They put on a range of walks, ranging from 3-mile gentle rambles to 20-mile strenuous hikes. They have weekends away, across the UK and abroad. They also have social meet-ups, visits to local landmarks and sights as well as live music venues, pubs and other activities. 

Check them out on or email them on

Gay Outdoor Club Surrey

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GOC Surrey had its 1st walk on 29th January 1995 and has walked on the 4th Sunday of each month since.

They usually have over thirty men and women turn up, so you are sure to find someone to share the beautiful Surrey views with and plenty of interesting conversation. If you rely on public transport then a brief message posted on the event page normally ensures that you have a lift from a convenient train station.  Their walks are predominantly circular between 8 – 12 miles long. Lunch is a packed lunch and they always end the walk with a hot drink and home-baked cake brought in by some members (if Mrs Beeton were alive, she could judge the competitive cake makers).

They are a friendly group of people and always welcome new members. Coming along to your first event can be a daunting prospect but don’t let that stop you as many of them attended on their own and love to mix with whoever turns up. GOC has a 'try before you buy' approach where you attend 3 events before you need to join up to receive event details.

All their details are on their website -

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